Yes after ages of errors and stuff I have finally got Nick working as best as he can in GTA SA!Only slight snag is that his right hand was unfixable right now.So at some point I may go over his model again and fix him up.But for now enjoy the amazing model.Also please report any bugs you find (besides the streched hand) to me in the comments of this post or on my chat box.Anyway enjoy!
Download link!
Original models from Capcom,Nintendo,Konami,Xnalara and tombraider forums Users(rexil,Oocrofty,fullmoon etc),Valve and all the other models I rig that were done by the other game companies.I do not take credit for their hard work!I only take credit for the rigging and/or converting of the models.Also if you do want to use my mods for another program or game please contact me and ask my permission!
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
[NEWS] Update on the Nick model!
So I have finally got some free time to work on the Nick model.Managed to fix up the model and texture bugs.But his hands need to be fixed before I release him.Heres a pic of how he looks so far.
Keep an eye out for him tommorrow!
Sunday, 12 August 2012
[NEWS] Music player has been added to the blog!
Yes the title says it all really.I have added a music player to the blog to give you some music to listen to while you browse my blog for the mods I hve and other things.If you have a request for a song comment which one you want me to add to the player.If I like the song you have suggested I will add it.Also stay tuned for more models by me.I am sorta having model issues with gta sa right now.So keep a eye out and continue to be patient. :)