Monday 31 December 2012


Well guys this is the last day of 2012 so I just wanted to say thanks to all of you that have taken interest in my blog this yeah and for all the visits!So i wish you all luck in 2013!Also keep a eye out next year for more awsome models from me.Also I wanna say big thank to Diego4fun for his awsome and simple model rigging tut for peds.Without that tut my blog here would have never exsisted!So thanks a lot Diego!Anyway enjoy today and see you all in 2013!

Tuesday 25 December 2012

[REL] DR1 Frank default outfit re-released with 3 DLC outfits!

So hey guys.Since today is christmas day I can all give you a gift :) This is the re-release of DR1 Frank in his default outfit with 3 of his DLC outfits as extras!So enjoy and merry christmas to you all!

Download Link:

If you see any bugs I will fix them after the new year!MERRY CHRISTMAS! :D

Monday 24 December 2012

[NEWS] So it's christmas tommorrow

So guys it is christmas tommorrow.I know I haven't uploaded DR1 Frank again as I didn't have time to re rig and fix him today.So I will try to get him done for tommorrow before I apend christmas with my family.So keep a eye out for a re-release of DR1 Frank in your stockings tommorrow! :)

Saturday 22 December 2012

[NEWS] I noticed a mistake on DR1 Frank West

Right guys so after looking at the Frank West model I rigged I notcied I used the wrong texture on Frank's chest part.The little bit that shows anyway.So I will be taking down the DR1 Frank link and I will fix him up and post the new link to him.Sorry about this guys.I will include a few extras in the re-release of Frank :)

Friday 21 December 2012

[NEWS] Well I feel good now

Well I am in a good mood now.Someone uploaded a vid with both my Megaman frank model and the default DR1 Frank model.This is a great feeling to see other people are enjoying your hard work.So to the guy that made this (you know who you are) thank you. :)

Also epic vid.The part with the cleo script to be the mega buster had me in stiches. XD You my good sir are AWSOME! :D

[REL] DR2/OTR Psychopath Brandon!

Hey guys heres another DR related model.Brandon from DR2 and OTR!

Download Link:

Oh just a quick note guys I did this model in a hurry since it was a really easy one to work with.So there may be a small bug on it.I am not to sure.So if you see one then report it to me ASAP in the comments or the chat box.Thanks :)

Thursday 20 December 2012

[REL] DR1 Frank West in his Default Outfit Final Release!

So guys I finally fixed up Frank's neck.It is now smoother and has no horrible bugs with it.So the link for the beta release is no longer up as it has been replaced with the final release version which is bug free!Enjoy guys.I really had a lot of fun finally getting Frank done.Expect a trailer vid on this post soon. :)

Download Link: (Will be reuploaded soon)

Wednesday 19 December 2012

[REL] DR1 Frank in his default outfit! (Beta release)

So here you go guys DR1 Default Frank!Now as you can tell from the title this is a beta release.I named it a beta release as Frank is a big buggy on his neck.I need to smooth out that part of his model.Anyway the rest of him is working great and I really wanted to release him.So here he is.I will work hard on fixing his neck so we can all enjoy a bug free DR1 Frank :)

Edit: Download link for this beta release is now gone and been replaced with the fixed no buggy final release of DR1 Frank.Check the post at the top of this post to download the bug free versuon. :)

P.S. Please do not steal my work!Especially this one as I have spent far to much time on it as it is right now!Thank to all the honest people out there and I hope you enjoy all my models :)

Tuesday 18 December 2012

[REL] DR1 Frank West in the Megaman Outfit!

Hey again guys!I have something special for you today.Yep DR1 Frank in the Megaman outfit!So theres a few bits of bugs on this model that I can not fix because of how GTA SA's bones are set up.So his knees come through the megaman boots so thats something I can't fix.Also the visor on the helmet is there but because of how SA handles the alpha and see through models it has made the whole visor see through.But it is still there.So you may see a black line appear near the helemet.That is the visor you will see.Well the line of it.But besides those bugs the model works pretty okay and is stable enough to be released.So enjoy and pist feeback and what not! :)


Saturday 15 December 2012

[REL] Chuck Greene in the Journalist Suit AKA Frank's DR1 Default Outfit!Celebrating 30,000+ Views!

Hey everyone.Sorry I haven't been posting a lot.Been bad for a week and recently got a bad cold.Anyway heres a model release I finally got done to celebrate 30,000+ Views!It is Chuck in the Journalist Suit AKA Frank's DR1 Outfit.Now before anyone asks this is not the outfit from DR2 Case West.This is the actual outfit model from the DR1 model files from the xbox 360 game and the model parts of Chuck from the DR2/OTR PC games.So you will find this model no where else besides here on my blog here.If you do see it anywhere else please report it to me and I will check it out and deal with it.Anyway guys enjoy this model.Also sorry to the people expecting it to be the banned UMVC3 Magneto outfit.Also sorry for any bugs you find on this model.It was a tough model to work with.If the bugs bother you then leave a comment in the comment box of this post or the chat box and I will fix this model for you guys.Anyway enjoy! :)

Download Link:

Saturday 8 December 2012

[NEWS] Gonna be taking a break

Yeah I am gonna take a break now guys.Mostly cause I haven't had one in a while minus my hiatus for a while.Also I am taking a break as I am not feeling too well either.I'll try to get something done as soon as I feel up to it again.Thanks to those who understand. :)

Friday 7 December 2012

[WIP] UMVC3 Maya Fei!

Yes you read that right!Phoenix Wright's trusty assistant/partner is coming to GTA SA!She is generally looking good right niw.I need to move her hair and things about so they don't get attached to her clothuing.So I will be working on her and Magneto in his banned DLC outfit during the rest of this week.You can expect Maya soon!For now enjoy a render of her! :)

Thursday 6 December 2012

[WIP] UMVC3 Magneto banned DLC outfit!

So I got a little treat for you guys.I am gonna rig Magneto's banned DLC outfit from UMVC3!Why was it banned you ask?Well for the people from spain you can see it looks similar to one of the spanish royalties outfits.So that said royalty complained to capcom and the outfit never got released for download.Well it is technically on the disc already with all the other DLC.But you know.Anyway it can not be used in UMVC3 at all unless you use a glitch on a unpatched version of UMVC3.Anyway this is something I am gonna rig to GTA SA to celebrate over 30,000 views so far!Heres a render from 3ds max for you to gaze at till this is released :)

Edit: Heres a in game pic for you all! :)
Yeah he still needs some work :)

Tuesday 4 December 2012

[REL] UMVC3 Phoenix Wright DLC outfit model!

Well guys after many hours of not getting anywhere with rigging the hands properly I decided to rig the whole hand to one bone.So now I can give you Phoenix Wright in his DLC outfit from UMVC3!This is him in his college outfit you get to see him wearing during the Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations game.This pack included both textures for his English name and initials on his chest and feet and his japanese one.I hope you enjoy this model and appriciate all the hard work I put into this.So enjoy!Also if you spot any bugs then please post about it in the comments or on the chat box.Thank you guys. :)

Download Link:

Sunday 2 December 2012

[WIP] UMVC3 Phoenix Wright DLC outfit aka his College outfit from the Ace Attorney game Trials and Tribulations

So this is a WIP I am doing right now seeing as I wanted to rig this model for a while.I have extracted this myself from the UMVC3 files.I had some problems with his head but I managed to sort that out before I rigged him.Also this will include two different versions of his DLC outfit.The one with his English name initials and one with his Japanese name and initials.Heres how he looks right now.

English Version

Japanese Version

Now I may rig Maya some day.She is kinda more complicated to rig than Phoenix/Ryu is.So keep your eyes peeled.Also I will be rigging the UMVC3 Character weapons too.Like Thor's Hammer and Captain America's shield.So till then keep a eye out on this blog.Follow it if you like to get alerted sooner. :)

Thursday 29 November 2012

[REL] Cutscene Ran Fa Li/Farlie in game!

So I got another cutscene model rigged for use in game in GTA SA!This one is Ran Fa Li or better known as Farlie.He is the Triad boss that never speaks in the 3 mission cutscenes of GTA SA involving Woozie.So here he is in game for you to play as and what not.Oh do note that because of his size his hands are a bit off on holding weapons like the M4 and shotgun.But I can see no bugs on him other than the model size.I may try to fix this later in the future.But for now enjoy the model!

Download Link:

[REL] Cutscene OG Loc in his Burger Shot worker outfit

Hey guys!So I know it has been a while since I released anything.So today I decided to rig one of GTA SA's cutscene only models.This one is OG Loc when he is working at Buger Shot.Now I can't see any bugs with it,but if you happen to see any post about it in the comments of this post or on the chat box.

Download Link:

Enjoy!Also thanks to the 30,000+ peopel that have viewed and visted the blog so far!I hope to get many more and release more mods for you all :)

Tuesday 6 November 2012

[NEWS] Finally finished playing AC3!

So I finally finished playing assassin's Creed 3 and it was fun.The ending was not great though.So thts been distracting me the last 5 days.Also I have been having a break from modding in that time as well and I am still working and focusing on my work for the GTA SA total conversion mmod I am working on.So I am srroy to say I may not get many models released still.I might throw out a few weapon models though :) So stay tuned guys and thanks for your patience :)

Sunday 28 October 2012

[WIP] Dead Rising 2 Off The Record Chuck in the TIR Wrestling Outfit

Just a model I am working on.Hopefully I will have this one done soon. :)

Friday 19 October 2012

[NEWS] Working on a Total Conversion mod

Right guys heres some news.For a month I have been helping some people with a total conversion mod for GTA SA.Now that I have access to the maps that need to be converted to GTA SA I can work on them too.Now this means I won't be working on some skins for a while.I'll try and release some stuff when I have the time.Anyway till then keep visting my blog :)

Monday 15 October 2012

[WIP] Shaundi from Saints Row 3

Yep I am trying to rig my first female model to GTA SA.Now she has some bugs.I will work hard on these soon.For now enjoy this screen shot :)

Thursday 20 September 2012

[REL] Dead Rising 1 Transceiver in GTA SA

Yep I have another item from the first Dead Rising game. :) This mod will replace the cellphone with the Transceiver that Frank used in DR1.I hope you enjoy it :)

Download link:

Well this is my last model rig done for the night.Expect more models tommorrow guys :)

[REL] Frank's Dead Rising 1 Camera

Yep I got another little weapon/item mod for you.This mod will replace the GTA SA camera with Frank West's camera from the first Dead Rising game that was on the Xbox 360!Also as you can see on one of the pics,I even managed to use the texture in the models files to add the picture viewer menu.Thats one of the textures from the game!Anyway I hope you enjoy this little mod.I love this camera more that the GTA SA one! XD

Download link:

Expect more DR1 weapons and items in GTA SA soon!

Tuesday 18 September 2012

[REL] Wesker's Samurai Edge Silver Version!

Wow it's been a while since I released anything hasn't it?Anyway I am back.Now I present to you my first weapon mod. Alber Wesker's Samurai Edge in Silver for GTA SA.This replaces the Desert Eagle,but can also replace the pistol if you change the name of the dff and txd.

Download Link:

Credits to this guy on Deviant Art because this is where I got the model for the Silver Samurai Edge of Wesker's from.Also credit to the guy he got the model from too.

Hope you enjoy this guys. :)

Thursday 16 August 2012

[REL] Nick from Lollipop Chainsaw!

Yes after ages of errors and stuff I have finally got Nick working as best as he can in GTA SA!Only slight snag is that his right hand was unfixable right now.So at some point I may go over his model again and fix him up.But for now enjoy the amazing model.Also please report any bugs you find (besides the streched hand) to me in the comments of this post or on my chat box.Anyway enjoy!

Download link!

Wednesday 15 August 2012

[NEWS] Update on the Nick model!

So I have finally got some free time to work on the Nick model.Managed to fix up the model and texture bugs.But his hands need to be fixed before I release him.Heres a pic of how he looks so far.

Keep an eye out for him tommorrow!

Sunday 12 August 2012

[NEWS] Music player has been added to the blog!

Yes the title says it all really.I have added a music player to the blog to give you some music to listen to while you browse my blog for the mods I hve and other things.If you have a request for a song comment which one you want me to add to the player.If I like the song you have suggested I will add it.Also stay tuned for more models by me.I am sorta having model issues with gta sa right now.So keep a eye out and continue to be patient. :)

Sunday 29 July 2012

[NEWS] I'm back in the game!Also I have a WIP going on.

Well I got every program I needed back installed on this laptop once again after that horrible virus.Anyway heres a WIP I got going on right now.Hopefully I can get him done.
Yep this is Nick AKA Juliet's BF from the game Lollipop Chainsaw in his full body form! XD As you can see he has a couple of texture bugs and model bugs around the neck area.I will try to get them fixed up.I have no estimated time on how long it will be before I can get him released.So some models might get released before him.Anyway it;s good to be back in the modding game :)

Monday 23 July 2012

[NEWS] Bad News

Well my laptop sadly got a virus that snuck past my virus protector and infected my laptop.So all my programs and everything had to get deleted as I did a whole system repair.So it will sadly be some time before I can get everything back to normal.

Friday 20 July 2012

[REL] GTA 4 TBOGT MGS phone wallpaper mod!

So I recently got GTA 4 and EFLC on PC this week a few days ago,So I give you my first mod for it.A Metal Gear Solid 3 phone wallpaper!

There is one file in this folder.One file you can just replace in the Rockstar Games\EFLC\TBoGT\pc\data\cdimages folder.

I may make a sperate download to one that requires you to use Spark IV or Open IV to replace the file.But until then enjoy this little mod :)

Tuesday 17 July 2012

[NEWS] Some news

Okay first I would like to apologise for not relasing any models for a while now.Once again life got on top of me and I have been dealing with family stuff so sorry guys.Now for some good news.I picked up the PC versions of gta 4 and EFLC yesterday.So now I have access to all the models from those games.So you can expect to see some models from them rigged to gta sa once I get them working for me in 3ds max.So keep a eye out. :)

Friday 22 June 2012

[NEWS] Been busy...

Well I haven't updated this blog in a while have I?Well I have been busy with life and all that.So I haven't had a lot of time to work on some models.But during this week I have been working on a few.As soon as I get the bug fixed on them I will release them.So sorry if I have kept any of you who veiw my blog waiting.So I will post more model rigs as soon as I can.

Sunday 3 June 2012

[NEWS] DR1 Frank is nearly ready!

So I have been working more on DR1 Frank I have fixed a lot of his bugs on his model.Heres a pic of how he looks now.
He has still got some bugs that need fixing.But they arn't major bad ones.So keep a eye out for the day DR1 Frank arrives in your GTA SA!

Thursday 31 May 2012

[REL] Luis Fernando Lopez in GTA SA

Hey guys I am back!I have rested up and 3DS Max is sorted now.So kick start off my return to rigging I have rigged up Luis Fernando Lopez!This is his original model from GTA 4 and not The Ballad of Gay Tony.

Download link.

Oh one little thing to be noted.There is a bug with his neck where it goes to far to the right (left if you look at the image) of his shoulder.I will fix that up as soon as I can.But the rest of the model is okay.Also it's great to be back guys.Expect more models from me as always!

Sunday 27 May 2012

[NEWS] Going on a break...

Okay guys I am gonna be having a little break for a while as I have been getting a few headaches from working on this models.Plus I need to sort out my 3ds max licence as it runs out in 2 days as it is a trial.So I if I can I will release one model tommorrow before I take a break and get things sorted out.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

[NEWS and WIP] Some news and another WIP

Ok so I know I haven't released a lot of my WIPs yet.Thats due to me trying to get them rigged and getting frustrated with the bugs that keep showing up on them.I'll work on them soon enough.The Zero Suit Samus one I will work on when I get the female skeleton from GTA SA for that model as the male skeleton messes up samus' structure mainly the arms.Also I showed Deeay from RE ORC a while back but said I needed to fix his hair bug.I can not get it fixed though so it will be a while before I release Deeay.So sorry to the people wanting him.
Anyway heres another WIP of mine.

Psycho Chuck Greene without his Katey doll.
Theres a few bugs to fix on his.Like his jacket is attached to his face.and his overall body needs to be more in sync with the SA bones.Oh and don't worry about that white part on his hand.Thats just his missing watch texture there XD

So heres a list of the WIPs I have and how long and if I can fix them up.

Time:No idea yet.May be a while.
Bugs:Hair bugs

Zero Suit Samus
Time:Maybe a day or two.
Bugs:Arms being weird with a male skeleton.

DR1 Frank West
Time:No clue yet.
Bugs:The whole model is buggy and I need to see if I can really fix it up.

DR1 Cultist member
Time:Might not be long if I can get it to work nicely.
Bugs:The face and hood part.It may be left with that one bug as it doesn't seem fixable because the models layout.

DR2 OTR Psycho Chuck without his Katey doll
Time:Shouldn't take to long.
Bugs:Half of the model has some bugs.

Sunday 20 May 2012

[NEWS] Some news on the rigging of DR1 Frank...

So I've maanaged to fix a few bugs on DR1 Frank.I have fixed the issue of his shoes joining together.But now another bug has come up where his textures have screwed up.So I will attempt to fix them as soon as I can. :)

Friday 18 May 2012

Thursday 17 May 2012

[TEASER] Cultist member from the Cult in Dead Rising!

Heres a little teaser of another DR model I am rigging.It is one of the cultist members from the game!Pretty freaky these guys are.Even more so when you had to go through them in the DR game.I will hopefully fix a few bug issues on this and get it released tommorrow along with Frank. :)

Anyway heres a teaser pic :P

[REL] Brad Garrison from Dead Rising in GTA SA!

So I gave working on DR1 Frank a rest and converted and rigged Brad Garrison from DR1 instead.He weirdly fits in to GTA SA. XD
Heres the link

So yeah enjoy as always!
P.S.There is a bit of a strech on his hands.But it's nothing that will distract from using the model to much.I will take another crack at fixing his model some other time :) Until then enjoy this :)

[WIP] Update on Frank West from DR1!

Okay so after fitting all the peices of Frank's default model all together I got him rigged into GTA SA.But as you can see from this screen shot below I need to fix the bugs that have appeared on him.
So yeah I will try to fix him up today and get him released without any bugs on him.So keep a eye out for a release soon! :)

Wednesday 16 May 2012

[WIP] Frank West from Dead Rising 1!

Yep I have got the models from DR1 an I am rigging up Frank West in his younger form to GTA SA!

Monday 14 May 2012

[REL] Spiderman and Symbiote Spiderman in GTA SA!

Heres a little treat to celebrate over a 1,000 views so far!I present Spiderman and his symbiote outfit in GTA SA!

Spiderman Normal

Symbiote Spiderman
Download Link

Thursday 10 May 2012

[REL] Left 4 Dead First Aid Kit and Pipe Bomb in GTA SA!

I have converted two things from L4D.The first aid kit and the pipe bomb!

Pipe Bomb

First Aid Kit

Heres the download link :)

The first aid kit replaces the health heart pick up by the way guys.Enjoy my first pick up and weapon mod :)

Oh yeah for some reason I can't seem to get the pipe bomb to appear in the players hand.So I just released it as it is.Will try to fix that soon :)