Thursday, 12 December 2013

[NEWS] MGS4 Old Snake is nearly ready for a release

So first I have to give thanks to ac.amir who did some custom work on giving snake's hair the aloha maps it needed. So big thanks to him for sharing it on the facepunch mgs4 topic. Anyway the model is looking alright in game but has a serious amount of bugs that need fixing. So I will be working on getting it looking nice and hopefully bug free when it is released for you guys. But for now here is a pic of him in game. Despite it being a different engine the textures look amazing and so does the model :)


  1. Amazing! Very nice!!
    You have plan work also Raiden model?
    (Different from Metal Gear Rising model.)
    I hope you are interested MGS4 Raiden.

    1. I will once someone extracts the model files from MGS4 for him. I also plan to do the other characters when they are extracted too. So do stay tuned.

  2. Looks Really good, after 4 or 5 year maybe, Finally the Old snake is here ^^ xd

    Hey one question, i downoload your Eva skin, and i like it really much ^^, you make her typical outfit onde day?

  3. Hey pass me the skin, please!!

    1. No I won't pass you the skin. Because it hasn't been finished yet and it will be released and given to everyone who follows this modding blog. I can't stand personal skins and people who get models personally. So once it is finished and released to everyone, you will get it then.

  4. >I want this please link please bro
