Sunday, 21 September 2014

[WIP] Dead Rising 3 Annie!

So someone over at the facepunch forums managed to extract Annie. But he/she didn't wanna go through the long process again and won't be extracting any more meshes. But this is good as they left some info so us over at the DR modding forums may be able to get closer to making a tool to get these models out. But yeah for now I am rigging Annie and she will be released tomorrow!. :) For now have a pic. Credits to the original FP poster for the pic. :)


  1. dude it almost 1 week u say u release it on 22 sep 2014

    1. Yeah you do know I have a life to live too right? I am human and I can get sick like I have been for a while. Plus I am busy trying to get a job too. So I was a little late on the release. Plus to add to it all, now the back of her jacket texture is bugged for some reason, so now I got to sort that.
