So hey guys. Been a while since I posted. This is mostly due to life and the fact I haven't had the urge to mod stuff lately. I mean I am doing stuff to help with the GTA SA beta mod over at the gtaforums here:
But for the most part I slowed down on model rigs, due to the fact I haven't found anything good to well rig really in my eyes. Or I've gone to do something and you know life pops up and stuff. Anyway I am still doing bits but I think I might be slowing down a bit more at times. We'll see how the future goes.
Anyway on to something more fun. Saw some awesome MGSV TPP art that had Quiet in the 80's themed Diamond Dogs shirt which you can buy. It looked that good that I thought I'd do a mesh mod based on it. Might be rigging it to gta sa and if I can, XPS/XNAlara too.
Again we'll see once I am fully happy with it. Right now I am trying to figure out the right pants I need as the ones in this render are placeholders till I find something good and better. Also yeah I am mixing Quiet with GTA 5 models as they have just enough of the right stuff I need to make this mesh mod. So yeah leave feedback if you want and see you all soon.